Here's the details of a presentation that Paul Jenkins, head of Thamesdown Transport gave to Swindon Older People's Forum back in January.
It gives an insight into how the town's buses run the way they do and why.
The Swindon Blog. For Small-Town Scandal. Keeping Swindon mis-informed, if it's Swindon Centred, it's Swindon Centric. - An XXtraordinary Blogger Award winner.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
20 and out
Sense has prevailed and the Thamesdown Transport service 20 will not return.
Despite politicians trying to lay the blame for it's demise at Thamesdown's door, the straight-talking from the bus company's head should be commended for making it clear that the service never covered it's costs.
Swindon Borough Council can "um" and "ah" about it's withdrawal and there being subsidy available to run some sort of service, but when that subsidy is only £25,000, you can see the deep blue water between politics and reality of how much it costs to run a bus service on the ground.
Despite politicians trying to lay the blame for it's demise at Thamesdown's door, the straight-talking from the bus company's head should be commended for making it clear that the service never covered it's costs.
Swindon Borough Council can "um" and "ah" about it's withdrawal and there being subsidy available to run some sort of service, but when that subsidy is only £25,000, you can see the deep blue water between politics and reality of how much it costs to run a bus service on the ground.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Top Ten Things Overheard On Swindon's Buses Last Week ; 284
Click here for the original at this brilliant idea, here's our own version for Swindon's buses from last week.
10. We thought we'd get done for assault.
9. The number 20, no-one uses it, if someone wants to pay for it fine.
8. I didn't know they could physically do that.
7. I always made sure you had enough at Christmas, most of the time.
6. There's nothing in it, I know he took it on Thursday.
5. My JSA's not come through yet, so do you want them or not?
4. She'd done so many selfies, it's a wonder that Nationwide have got any work out of her.
3. They might get suspicious, which is the last thing anyone wants.
2. I reckon garlic bread should be freely distributed en masse.
And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...
1. And you absolutely cannot eat anything after 8 o'clock, otherwise you might as well just give up all hope right now.
Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.
10. We thought we'd get done for assault.
9. The number 20, no-one uses it, if someone wants to pay for it fine.
8. I didn't know they could physically do that.
7. I always made sure you had enough at Christmas, most of the time.
6. There's nothing in it, I know he took it on Thursday.
5. My JSA's not come through yet, so do you want them or not?
4. She'd done so many selfies, it's a wonder that Nationwide have got any work out of her.
3. They might get suspicious, which is the last thing anyone wants.
2. I reckon garlic bread should be freely distributed en masse.
And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...
1. And you absolutely cannot eat anything after 8 o'clock, otherwise you might as well just give up all hope right now.
Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Top Ten Things Overheard On Swindon's Buses Last Week ; 283
Click here for the original at this brilliant idea, here's our own version for Swindon's buses from last week.
10. Admit nothing, remember that.
9. He'll be like a spare part if he comes along.
8. I was absolutely soaked, I've said that the lock on the door needs to be fixed for months.
7. Do it in your funny voice, that makes you sound like a little girl.
6. Claire reckons I don't know, but I do and I really, really, don't care as much as she thinks.
5. Go for it, push, go on, it won't come off.
4. Whatcha mean, I've got a bag-full here, of course we've got enough.
3. The supplement is never inside it, I don't know why I bother even trying to buy it at the full price.
2. Let me think about all of this and call her back, because I'm not convinced she is talking about the same thing I am.
And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...
1. That's a wow bad image to put in my head, what the hell is wrong with you, you freak?
Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.
10. Admit nothing, remember that.
9. He'll be like a spare part if he comes along.
8. I was absolutely soaked, I've said that the lock on the door needs to be fixed for months.
7. Do it in your funny voice, that makes you sound like a little girl.
6. Claire reckons I don't know, but I do and I really, really, don't care as much as she thinks.
5. Go for it, push, go on, it won't come off.
4. Whatcha mean, I've got a bag-full here, of course we've got enough.
3. The supplement is never inside it, I don't know why I bother even trying to buy it at the full price.
2. Let me think about all of this and call her back, because I'm not convinced she is talking about the same thing I am.
And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...
1. That's a wow bad image to put in my head, what the hell is wrong with you, you freak?
Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.
Friday, September 18, 2015
View from the Blue Top
A nugget of wisdom from today's Swindon Beaver Herald (yes, a Beaver) courtesy of the housewives's favourite Tory Boy, Marcus Monter...
I don't mean to gloat, but he won! Yes, the most unelectable leader of Labour since, well the last leader, that bacon sandwich-munching twit. Well done, but he doesn't stand a chance, and if he's still here in a year's time, I'll eat something from one of those cheap supermarkets, but only if it's a premium brand. Meanwhile, blah blah, hard working families, blah blah, poverty? I'd love to comment, but I'm up to my word count, up the Tory Blue workers!
For reasons of balance, the red party were contacted locally, but they were too busy weaping into their boxsets of 'Now, this is what I call the 1970s'.
I don't mean to gloat, but he won! Yes, the most unelectable leader of Labour since, well the last leader, that bacon sandwich-munching twit. Well done, but he doesn't stand a chance, and if he's still here in a year's time, I'll eat something from one of those cheap supermarkets, but only if it's a premium brand. Meanwhile, blah blah, hard working families, blah blah, poverty? I'd love to comment, but I'm up to my word count, up the Tory Blue workers!
For reasons of balance, the red party were contacted locally, but they were too busy weaping into their boxsets of 'Now, this is what I call the 1970s'.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Anything but the Mechanics'
It seems the Mechanics' Trust has now crowned itself the voice of Swindon's historic buildings, following this recent Adver story about the Corn Exchange.
This follows onto the growing list of new projects and pies the trust seem to have their limited fingers into. This includes the Baker's Arms pub, the Central Community Centre, the old Railway Museum cottage and an allotment.
Meanwhile, the building they're meant to be dedicating their time to sits empty and derelict and they don't own it.
Is the trust diversifying itself for the day it's decreed they're not to be involved in the future of the Mechanics' Institute?
This follows onto the growing list of new projects and pies the trust seem to have their limited fingers into. This includes the Baker's Arms pub, the Central Community Centre, the old Railway Museum cottage and an allotment.
Meanwhile, the building they're meant to be dedicating their time to sits empty and derelict and they don't own it.
Is the trust diversifying itself for the day it's decreed they're not to be involved in the future of the Mechanics' Institute?
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Top Ten Things Overheard On Swindon's Buses Last Week ; 282
Click here for the original at this brilliant idea, here's our own version for Swindon's buses from last week.
10. It's what the corporate world has come to expect of us, which is sad.
9. You'd expect someone to say, but I just walked out with it.
8. Are we starting with the introduction first?
7. Put everything in that one bag, then I can keep this clear for the soft things.
6. You don't need change on those.
5. It doesn't run anymore, it's not gone for years now.
4. 'Ello Elsie, how's you going since your husband passed?
3. He started going on about how amazing the bay was, I had to pretend to be interested.
2. Ever since they replaced it with lights, it's always blocked, bring back the roundabout!
And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...
1. The sad thing is, the clock stopped chiming, then working and hardly anyone noticed.
Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.
10. It's what the corporate world has come to expect of us, which is sad.
9. You'd expect someone to say, but I just walked out with it.
8. Are we starting with the introduction first?
7. Put everything in that one bag, then I can keep this clear for the soft things.
6. You don't need change on those.
5. It doesn't run anymore, it's not gone for years now.
4. 'Ello Elsie, how's you going since your husband passed?
3. He started going on about how amazing the bay was, I had to pretend to be interested.
2. Ever since they replaced it with lights, it's always blocked, bring back the roundabout!
And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...
1. The sad thing is, the clock stopped chiming, then working and hardly anyone noticed.
Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.
Sunday, September 06, 2015
Top Ten Things Overheard On Swindon's Buses Last Week ; 281
Click here for the original at this brilliant idea, here's our own version for Swindon's buses from last week.
10. What's unnatural about that, she's up for it.
9. The ladies don't like it when you ask them to lick your sausage.
8. People didn't have as many relatives back then.
7. You're not undercover, they know you're producing a report on their department.
6. Elaine didn't reckon the marketing plan could be carried out by someone wearing canary yellow.
5. Do you want a babychino?
4. If this traffic don't move I'll be home too late to do dinner and too early to do tea.
3. I think they're alright, he's funny and she's not as moany as I remember.
2. They wanted me to fill out yet another form after they'd lost the original order and couldn't find the email that showed the bolts falling out.
And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...
1. Matty was clearly annoyed, she was throwing out expletives like a trigger happy prison guard firing a machine gun.
Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.
10. What's unnatural about that, she's up for it.
9. The ladies don't like it when you ask them to lick your sausage.
8. People didn't have as many relatives back then.
7. You're not undercover, they know you're producing a report on their department.
6. Elaine didn't reckon the marketing plan could be carried out by someone wearing canary yellow.
5. Do you want a babychino?
4. If this traffic don't move I'll be home too late to do dinner and too early to do tea.
3. I think they're alright, he's funny and she's not as moany as I remember.
2. They wanted me to fill out yet another form after they'd lost the original order and couldn't find the email that showed the bolts falling out.
And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...
1. Matty was clearly annoyed, she was throwing out expletives like a trigger happy prison guard firing a machine gun.
Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.