Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Bye-Bye To Wi-Fi?

The future of Swindon's w-fi mesh is being decided tonight tomorrow night at a council meeting (thank you to Komadori for the correction).

Things seemed so different back last year, when the 'wow' factor of the scheme was very fresh. Rikki Hunt, in tomorrow's Swindon Advertiser, is trying to resurrect that initial positive spin.

Swindon Centric Says ; So, will the rest of the money be handed over, or will the Labour and Lib-Dem councillors stand up?


  1. The meeting isn’t tonight, it’s tomorrow (Wednesday) night. 6 pm in Committee Room 6 at the civic offices.

  2. Whoops! Sorry about that, gives me the chance to ask, will you be in attendance and live blogging this crunch event?
