Sunday, February 04, 2007

Man Bites Dog ; Police Recommend Muzzles For Town's Males

With the report tonight that a man in the town ''just snapped'' and took a bite out of his chocolate labrador has been met with over-reaction across the borough.

Mr Anderson Thomas, 34, of Potters Avenue Woodhall was spending Sunday lunchtime washing and waxing his Honda Civic when the barks of his dog, angry that the remote control for the Sky Digital TV had been misplaced, drove him over the edge and down the other side, he leapt forward and took a bite out of his dog, Bobbo, in a ''moment of madness''.

'' This is a unique case and we don't expect, if you'll excuse the obvious distress to the dog in question, copycat attacks to take place'', that comment from Officer Dibble of Gablecross police headquarters.

Despite this, there are unconfirmed reports tonight that tomorrow the local health authority will announce voluntary 'men muzzling' and 'men microchipping' in an attempt to keep unruly males under control.

Swindon Centric Says ; A man's bite is worse than his cholesterol level.

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