Friday, May 18, 2007

Philanthropist Cat Donates Spare Lives To Local Community Felines

In an act of unswerving generosity, a philanthropist cat in North Swindon, who wishes to remain unnamed, has donated it's spare nine lives to the local cat community.

'' I've been fortunate in my ten years to have very few accidents and as a result I have the full quota of nine lives we all get given at birth and thought that I don't need them, but someone else probably will.'' That quote from a tortoise-shell coloured moggy who we've given the name of Dexter to protect his identity.

Rumours that Dexter has become the first cat in the South West to gain full medical insurance coverage were unconfirmed last night, but he did say he was watching his health and has recently purchased a pedometer to see how far he goes of a night and had cut out carbohydrates, because as he said, '' a fat cat is funny, but an obese one is just sad.''

Swindon Centric Says ; The Cat That Got The No Claims Bonus.

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