Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Swindon Safest Place In The Country To Film Midsomer Murders

A study released of the best and worst locations to film primetime, cosy murder-dramas for UK TV shows Swindon tops one of the lists.

'' This shows where the best and worst places are located throughout the country for shooting locations for varying types of drama, comedies, and murder mystery programmes. For example, one of the least safe locations is Nottingham, that's where ITV is looking to film a new pilot vehicle for Ross Kemp in a spin-off, Ultimate Force ; In The City, the plot is rumoured to be pensioners taken hostage on a double decker.'' That comment from Tim Russefort of the Swindon TV critic magazine, The TV Sniper. New edition on news stands now.

Rumour that the town will become the shooting location for a double-bill Christmas special of Midsomer Murders hasn't been confirmed, though the keeper of Lydiard House has been asked to not act too surprised when the fake body is delivered by courier on Friday, for shooting (in more ways than one) to start on Sunday afternoon.

Swindon Centric Says ; They'll have to digitally remove the roundabouts and Thamesdown buses for the new episodes though.

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