Saturday, August 18, 2007

Golfers Tee-ed Off For Doing The Right Thing

A man who stole more than £6,000 from a golf society has been forgiven by his fellow members.

And in a suitable Swindon Reality twist to the story, the men who told the police about him have been blacklegged by the society. He got into financial difficulties and took the money to cover himself.

Love and understanding does seem selective in this story, as most members of the society have forgiven the man in question, however they cannot understand the opinion of those members who oppose the kindness shown to him, since he stole from them.

One quote sums up the bizzare details of all this in one, from Mr Humphries, speaking about the man under police investigation, " This has affected his life in a big way. His social life isn't what it used to be."

Swindon Centric Says ; We don't think our social life would be what it used to be if we didn't have £6,000 in our back pocket.

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