Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Parking Ticket Causes Questions In Parliament, Odd Word Over Garden Fences

Roadworks in Old Town have made parking worse for residents, with some just losing their cool.

Having been misinformed, Keith Angell parked in a one-hour space, overnight, he was then surprised when he went out to work at 6.30am the next morning to have had a ticket placed on his windshield.

He claims the wardens laid in wait for him and it was an ambush.

Swindon Centric Says : They didn't really 'lie in wait' if he parked his car overnight and they were there in the morning at 6.30am giving him a ticket, did they? Or he could just buy a weekly bus ticket and solve his transport problems.

PS - It must have been a very quiet for the wardens as no-one else was reported to have received a ticket on that same day three weeks ago, since Mr Angell is the only one in the local media. If you know of any please email us and we'll have a new daily fifty page section where people can report their stories of cutting themselves shaving, tripping up and eating tomato when you have an allergy to it (causing a good laugh to friends with you at the time).

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