Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ugly Baby Competition Launched ; Town Full Of Ugly Tots

In a counter to a rival publication's launch of their 'Baby Of The Year' competition, the Swindon Beaver Herald has opened voting for the Swindon Ugly Baby Competition 2007.

" We felt too much time is being given over to good looking, beautiful people, especially bonny babies, so after a glass or three at our local we hit upon a smashing idea, an ugly baby competition." That comment from the editor of the Swindon Beaver Herald, Perry White, who shall be going home slightly worse for wear by taxi.

Voting opened at 11am this morning and the receptionist, Jan at the SBH HQ was quickly overwhelmed, with the phone and computer system logging 756,000 calls and votes via their website before it crashed at 2.32pm.

Cub Reporter Jimmy Olsen commented on the demand to vote by saying "clearly there's a lot of ugly looking babies in Swindon".

One member of medical staff in the maternity area of healthcare within Swindon was reported as saying "we have to tell new parents how lovely their new baby is day-in-day-out, but really, some of them look like they've been sniffing lemons for nine months."

Swindon Centric Says ; How ugly and vile is your baby? Vote Now!

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