Monday, November 12, 2007

Old Town Development Policy On It's Way ; After All The Development

The town's council has just decided to table an idea for improved shopping in Old Town.

Proposals include the desire for specialist and independent shops and a better balance between night and day trading.

As welcome as all this is, since Old Town has always had a posher image than the rest of Swindon, it's a bit late. Most of the building work in Old Town has already happened. Flats, flats and more flats and little else.

Swindon Centric Says ; The fostering of a varied Old Town seems to be at odds with recent events. Namely the near cancellation of the Swindon Mela and the Council relative indifference to this, arguments about jazz, the closure of the Goddard Arms, the shutting of Wood Street and the feet dragging about the abandoned Locarno.

Old Town should be a showcase, so get your act together Swindon Borough Council.

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