Swindon Borough Council appear to be trying to do something about the sudden and pointless
closure of the Regent Circus Mecca Bingo hall. A meeting is due to take place today between our favourite councillor, Phil Young, member for economic development, regeneration and for good measure development again, and a Mecca Bingo area manager.
The worrying words from Mr Young about what's planned for the site, "We've got no timescale. We're drawing up the plans for what we'd like to see there. But we do want to make the most of it until we know what's happening. We're going to look into it and if there is potential to keep them there then we'd be delighted to do so."
Mr Young also uttered this gem, "We hope to talk on it's future to get him to understand the importance of the bingo hall to the people."
It's shocking to think that the council member for regeneration and economic development has no timescale or clue as to what they'll now do with their latest property acquisition. Another hint to the obvious may come from the use of the former cinema as a bingo hall since 1974, which would give councillor Young a clue as to, "if there is potential" for bingo on the site.
But Mr Young's winning ball is his intention to tell the Mecca Bingo area manager the, "importance of the bingo hall to the people." Perhaps Mr Young should have noticed this too before agreeing to the purchase of the building from Mecca without asking any questions and just accepting closure like a mug who's been door-stepped by a utility company and signed without looking.
Swindon Centric Says ; Mr Young and the council seem to have looked up the words 'economic', and 'development' in the dictionary over the weekend, however they still haven't grasped the definition of both.
Next lesson, look up the word 'regeneration'.
Then use all words in a sentence Mr Young.
PS - Are the people from the
New Swindon Company on holiday throughout all this?