Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Railway Town Reporting Signals Failures

As Komadori pointed out, the accuracy from the Swindon Advertiser leaves something to be desired. We have mentioned here before about the poor knowledge of the railways from the town's only daily newspaper.

To the Advertiser's credit, a re-edited version of the story was posted on the newspaper's website on Monday evening. However, the new draft of the story has cut out any mention of the potential top speed of the new lines, correct or incorrect. A little research would reveal that the current top speed, of 186mph achieved by the Eurostar and the first TGV trains, would be at the top end of any new high speed line's limit. While, 140mph would be at the other end, since this is the speed the new commuter trains to be introduced for domestic services from Kent to London are built for.

Swindon Centric Says ; Less than five minutes research, gets the facts. Simple and accurate.

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