Thursday, September 18, 2008

Front Garden's Grass To Grow Long As Housing Policy Gets Muddy

As expected, housebuilding on the majority of the Front Garden will not start this year, as the council has suspended choosing a developer. 200 low-cost houses will still be built.

A common sense decision; however this illustrates an unattractive part of Swindon's housing policy. There are still many unbuilt and half-built houses in North Swindon, on which work has also been suspended. The sense in waiting for one area to be built and occupied before starting somewhere else is obvious.

Swindon Centric Says ; What's less obvious is why work began on the Front Garden, leaving it to look like a dirt-bike track (with the earth churned up for laying of services) for possibly several years. Let's just hope that it's not too late in the year for the grass to grow back to make the garden green again.

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