Thursday, November 04, 2010

Labour Win Moredon By-Election

It may be off everyone else's political radar, but a few minutes ago, Labour won the Moredon council seat in the by-election.

The resignation of former Conservative councillor Stephanie Excell in September (due, as she's sort-of revealed since was because she couldn't agree with budget cuts) was the cause of the by-election.

Swindon Centric Says ; This won't alter the balance of power in the council, but, well... it's just nice in these days of Conservatism to know the electorate haven't been scared by the right that the cuts are the only way forward.

Those numbers in full...

Conservative 755

Labour 887

UKIP 129

Lib Dem 98

If this is repeated all across the country Swindon Centric's election desk can confirm that the Lib Dems would have the same number of votes as a dead head of cabbage (with apologies to cabbage heads everywhere).

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