Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wi-Fail : Councillor Contradicts Roll-Out Plan By Digital City

A 'where-aren't-we-now' story this week by the Swindon Advertiser's Charley Morgan did well to keep the public's attention on the collapsing council-backed project.

One comment by everyone's favourite 'Your councillor on the wi-fi company's board', Garry Perkins is very telling.

The quote is, "And we hope a large part of the town will be completed by this time next year."

When Rikki Hunt (CEO of Digital City, the company meant to be doing the work) appeared on Graham Mack's Swindon Breakfast Show on BBC Wiltshire at the start of October, this exchange occurred...

Graham Mack : "So it'll be finished this time next year?"

Rikki Hunt : "Yeah".

Swindon Centric Says : Who's right? Who's wrong? Who knows?!!!!

PS - If you're having a Christmas Party this weekend, Swindon Centric wishes you a great time, and hopes you can leave work worries at the door.

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