Click here for the original and still the best at this brilliant idea, here's our own version for Swindon's buses from last week.
10. It's a fare boundary, you better dig-deep.
9. I would go up to the top-deck, but the air's rather thin.
8. There's been two missing and now they're changing drivers.
7. I heard that the 54 is going to disappear altogether.
6. It was a sort of cry.
5. I expect she'll be on the next one.
4. They've got a bargain day and everything's practically the same price as the carrier bags.
3. A smartcard? Just don't lose it.
2. Your motives are always cheap.
And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...
1. She looks like a yeti with that fur round the hood.
Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.