Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Union Square Wants YOU For Comments

The consultation period for the Union Square development is underway and Friday and Saturday this week marks the public exhibition to see the plans and the project staff will be there to answer questions and collect feedback.

The exhibition will be at the Central Library in Regent Street on this Friday, the 4th, 2pm-8pm and Saturday, the 5th, 10am-2pm.

No doubt the biggest areas of interest will be...

- The Whalebridge roundabout removal and replacement with traffic lights. Will Fleming Way be accessible for buses from Princes Street & Corporation Street? How will it effect traffic flow along these two roads and along Fleming Way towards the Magic Roundabout?

- What will happen to the Octagon Restaurant? Easily the town centre's best greasy spoon after a night out!

- How tall will the buildings on the edge of the area be, especially along Corporation Street and Manchester Road? Will building design make an attempt to link the two areas and see those terraces are not overlooked?

Swindon Centric Says ; This is the chance to have your say, don't miss it!

PS - If you can't make the exhibition, you can submit your views here, the Union Square website is now live and has a wealth of information.

1 comment:

  1. That artists impression looks AWESOME!!! You know what they say about things that seem too food to be true.......fingers crossed this all goes to plan.
