Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rotten Borough's Wi-Failed Makes Private Eye Again

Swindon Borough Council's dalliance with Digital City and it's promises the morning after have, for a 3rd time, made the 'Rotten Boroughs' column of Private Eye magazine.

This is on top of last week's news that the wi-fi had won an award. Strangely, when the Adver's Adam Kula (a massive tip of the hat to him, as he's hit the ground running in terms of reporting the town's politics) tried to contact the government magazine that gave the award, the person responsible was said to be climbing a mountain in Nepal.

Could that be the same mountain that everyone's favourite former CEO of Digital City is also climbing?

Swindon Centric Says ; Three strikes and you're out, wind up Digital City now and lets crack on with the daylight-filled investigation of how, what, why and when.

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