Sunday, August 07, 2011

White Elephant Election School For Old Town

The plan to build a school at Croft in Old Town makes no sense to anyone except, you've guessed it, the ruling councillors at the top of Swindon Borough Council.

The school would be in an established part of Swindon, so the roll of pupils would be bussed in from other parts of town (which the council has tried to cut down on in recent years). In May this year, a local school was publicising it had places available for pupils and, the new school is in a part of town that top Conservative councillors are widely expected to stand as candidates in May's election.

Swindon Centric Says ; How reliable is the information that Swindon Borough Council is basing it's decision on of building a new school in an established area with questionable demographics?

Does Section 106 money from the Haydon area play a factor in being spent in Old Town?

How watertight is this decision?

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