Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Bright Fairy Lights of Swindon's Bus Policy

The loss of a million miles of bus route running in Swindon & Wiltshire since 2013 doesn't seem to bother Swindon Borough Council.

They've defended themselves with pointing out that they and central government support nearly 15 services with investment (or as government usually likes to call it in it's loaded way, 'subsidy') with the Bus Services Operators Grant and Section 106 money from developers.

Oh yes, like the £55,000 of Section 106 money that has been used to decorate the Greenbridge Roundabout with lights to make it look nice.

£55,000 would have gone a long way on, maybe employing a handful of people to act as traffic officers that could be on-call on peak traffic days around the Outlet Village.

Think how good an idea that would be, whilst your stuck on a bus, staring at the pretty lights.

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