Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Top Ten Things Overheard On Swindon's Buses Last Week ; 469

Click here for the original at this brilliant idea, here's our own version for Swindon's buses from last week.

10. There were four to start with, I don't remember buying them.

9. He claimed he'd been set up, nice fantasy.

8. Kay reckons it won't be long before he gets sent to Cardiff.

7. It got fixed, it's only taken two years and about half a dozen visits.

6. A salad was tried, with little success from the males that were there.

5. It's all gone new and I hate to admit I don't always understand it.

4. The warmth will come back if we give it a chance.

3. When you're living it, it's slightly different.

2. That man will make or break the shop.

And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...

1. They got back in, they could set fire to the town and people would still vote for them.

Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.

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