Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Swindon's Community Money Thrown Into The Air For Wi-Fi

Councillor Bob Wright, Labour Central Ward, has given details about exactly where the £450,000 for the wi-fi came from.

According to his entry on the Swindon Labour website, it came from money meant for, 'wider community use" , and not for 'a single person or project'.

Swindon Centric Says ; 'The loan was authorised through a Town Centre regeneration approval note', writes Mr Wright, a highly questionable classification considering recent telecoms news that BT are to install a fibre-optic system for broadband in Swindon. The use of public money on 'regeneration' of telecoms, which is being industry led anyway, is highly questionable : much like the rest of the wi-fi process and project.

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