Monday, May 09, 2016

Health Hydro Puts Swimmers In The Deep End

It's no real surprise GLL have decided to close the small pool at Swindon's Health Hydro due to the cost of repairing it.

But when GLL took over the Health Hydro in 2014, it would no-doubt have know the condition of the Health Hydro, including the small pool, so it's mystifying that just 2 years after taking over it's now having to close part of the building.

As the building is Grade II Listed, we can only hope that GLL don't find the rest of the building over the remaining 23 years of the lease prohibitively expensive to maintain, and shut other bits of it. The contract only binds them to keeping the Health Hydro open for five years after taking over.

Do they intend to invest at Milton Road for the long term, or are they simply seeing out the five years before handing back the keys?Did they know what they were signing a contract for?

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