Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Labour Courtliff's Tory Defection Throws "honesty, integrity and humility" Out The Window

Councillor Matthew Courtliff (Labour, Conservative, Lydiard & Freshbrook) shocked Swindon politics tonight by defecting to the Tories.

He promised "I will always serve you with my values of honour, integrity and humility".

Just five months after being elected almost entirely on a 'no to selling off Lydiard Park' mandate, he has crossed the floor after reportedly being given assurances by the Tory group on Lydiard's future.

He also appears to have deleted his Twitter account.

How can assurances be given when bidding is still underway?

Does this show how desperate Swindon Tories are to hang onto SBC control by making promises in return for a floor-crossing?

How can Councillor Courtliff now defend Swindon Conservative plans for the asset-stripping of Swindon, having campaigned against them to get elected?

How can Councillor Courtliff justify his position without a by-election after changing party?

What state does this leave Swindon Labour in? A dire one it can only be concluded.

There are many questions in the rotten borough tonight, but few answers.

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