Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Swindon Election - Tomlinson's Favourite Train 'The Flipping Flopsman'

For an MP of a railway town, Justin Tomlinson's attitude towards railways doesn't seem to know if it's coming or going.

Tomlinson talked in August 2014 of working hard to limit annual ticket price rises (despite it being government who control the rises), but has voted four times to not controlling public transport ticket prices.

He also appears to have remained silent on pleas from bus companies for help on the Bus Service Operators Grant.

He also sees fit to claim that Labour did not invest money in the railways. Once again, Tomlinson has not read his recent history, that it was Labour who announced the Great Western Main Line electrification, but that's not stopped him claiming the investment for himself and the Conservatives Theresa May party on every single one of his election leaflets.

Stand back from the platform edge, it's the 'Flipping Flopsman' storming through.

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