Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Lottery Win Won't Change Me Says Millionaire

A lucky Swindon local has scooped a jackpot when Lady Luck smiled on them Swindon Centric reports this evening.

Matching six numbers on last Saturday's National Lottery draw has landed Sol Davis, 39 of Taw Hill with £4.5 million in extra cash. Mr Davis doesn't work as he inherited his Uncle's estate, the late Henry Davis (the inventor of the self-cleaning ashtray) of over £64.7 million early in 2005.

'' Unlike a lot of lottery winners I can say that this money will not change me. All the publicity and novelty big cheque from the lottery people has all been good fun though.'' That comment from Mr Davis speaking from his bath, which we were assured was filled with ass's milk from the factory he runs out of a secret location in the town centre.

Local newsagent Eddy Fast, who sold the winning ticket said he only bought the ticket when he couldn't give Mr Davis correct change and used up his credit by buying a lotto ticket.

Rumours tonight have been heard in Taw Hill that Mr Davis may not cash the five foot long cheque, instead framing it and making it a talking point for high-class dinner parties.

Swindon Centrc Says ; Next time, it could be someone far more well off than youuuuuu!

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