Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Mechanics Problems Are Hanging Around Old Building ; Developers Want To Get Teeth In

Mathew Singh, the owner of the former Mechanics Institute has ratcheted up the pressure to get something, anything done to the town's festering building by telling English Heritage he plans to demolish the north end of the building to shock them into accepting a planning proposal.

Mr Singh says any plan he's put forward has been negatively rejected by English Heritage.

Martha Parry of the New Mechanics' Trust has said Mr Singh's plans have never been good enough. She added it's not English Heritage's job to tell Mr Singh what to do, but look at what he submits.

English Heritage says it can't consider further details unless Mr Singh sends more details, which he said he's already done.

Swindon Centric Says ; This story get more boring every time it get's reported, just repair the building and open it, no matter what it gets used for.


Swindon Centric has learnt that Trevor Coventry (regular readers will remember him from a story last month) has put in a phone call to English Heritage asking them to reject the plan to demolish the north end of the building. Trevor says several of the new members of the local vampire branch in the town like to hang around (for once that means exactly what it says) on the main rafters in the roof of the northern section of the building and as such can claim squatters rights.

When asked, Wiltshire Constabulary couldn't determine whether there had been any additional attacks of the vampire kind in the Railway Village, though unofficially many local residents have got strings of garlic hanging in their doorways and even the drug-dealers won't venture out after dark.

Local pun-writers said this new stakeholder in the Mechanics could slow the buildings revival dead and the plan could see more bloodletting before work begins. That's enough wordplay.

Swindon Centric Also Says ; All the scheme needs to find now is crested newts under the floorboards and it'll be totally finished. Big Giant Vampire Newts to make it newsworthy of course.

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