Saturday, December 31, 2011

Administration (Not Bats) Caused Regent Circus Delay

As the reasons for trying to persuade a developer to invest in a site can be in a constant state of flux, so can the accompanying political spin of the reasons for regeneration not happening.

Seems the pendulum of reason for the Regent Circus development have swung so far one way, they've now swung towards the other.

Readers may remember that the reason behind the delay was bats. But this article from October (Swindon Centric is playing catchup with stories, you may have noticed!) gives the impression the liquidation of one of the two companies involved contributed to the delay. However, in a council meeting the member responsible for regeneration, Councillor Gary Perkins, denied that the financial problems would delay the project.

Plus Mr. Perkins talked widely about the bats now colonising the building and how that was delaying the redevelopment. However, the developer has said this will have little impact.

Swindon Centric Says ; So exactly what were/have we been told and what was/is correct?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:33 pm

    Perkins will say whatever he thinks might preserve any minute possibility that the council can be seen to have delivered something (anything!) of its grandiose over-claims for development. The developer will say anything they like to suit their profit making motives: they don't give a shit about Swindon, its people, the development itself or any consideration above and beyond making ££££s
