Sunday, February 03, 2019

Top Ten Things Overheard On Swindon's Buses Last Week ; 456

Click here for the original at this brilliant idea, here's our own version for Swindon's buses from last week.

10. The company needs more mugs like him.

9. No two ways about it, he fancies her like there's no tomorrow.

8. That skirt just works, it just does.

7. I've got just enough left to keep into enough trouble.

6. Playing all round the world is the aim of that company.

5. They're all casual, and it really shows in the quality of the service.

4. Shock of my life when I heard the news of the engagement.

3. He'd been to about 5 different places all over town and it wasn't even properly lunchtime.

2. The last time we kept those in the kitchen was back when my father was paranoid about the electric going off.

And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...

1. It'l be a right laugh if you wear that face.

Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.

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