Sunday, February 10, 2019

Top Ten Things Overheard On Swindon's Buses Last Week ; 457

Click here for the original at this brilliant idea, here's our own version for Swindon's buses from last week.

10. We should go along to the castle for that meeting.

9. The thing to remember is it's her home.

8. That big old painting terrifies me.

7. It's the most office type thing I've ever seen in all my days.

6. The last thing I want to do is create a scene.

5. Dinner was great, I didn't make too many mistakes.

4. When I get tired I leave the cat to do the washing up.

3. I'm going to keep it to myself and go to bed.

2. An eerie light was being given off by the picture.

And the number one overheard phrase on Swindon's buses from last week is...

1. You just blatantly ignored me.

Overheard something we've missed? Then let us know.

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